General assembly January 28th 2017 AEPDSPSF

Excused 6    Present 4  Powers 6   Finantial report (Mme Sado) adopted


Four themes  for our  Action:

  1. Participation to ESAN
    16/03/14, two members went to Bruxelles for global social work day , subjet migrants ans social work.
    The target : to write, propositions for european social plateform.
    In October a member participated  to ESAN general meeting. Some ESAN s’associations  wrote their proposals to european institutions. A complementary information about the budget was requested and a meeting was organised in Paris, in December .
    ESAN suggests  to work with our association for the next global social work day.
  2. Interventions :
    An autorisation could be request to Health Ministry and also Dugs ‘ Agency to  authorize to use a new drug.
    Intervention about a social protection for a disabled person.
    We wrote a letter to obtain a reduced fare metro, bus ticket for each old people to STIF
  3. Participation in Conferences
    Subjets :
    Complementary  system for the social security
    Violence of women and humain trafficking organised by the interdepartental office
  4. Projects :
    In March Participation with ESAN to the global social work day to defend users .
    In November to organize a conference about social child protection.  ANAS’ international committee coordinator  requests ANAS works with us for this conference and an english colleague could participate.

Various points addressed

  • Election for Secretary : Joëlle Delacôte et Marie-Henriete Hetcheverry, OK
  • Project for a Day about  the Child Protection, OK
    With experts, politics, associations, social workers…armenian belgium spanish english colleagues could  to participate. But they must pay their trip In november 3t week ans in Paris at CESE orin a   social work school
  • Letters «  Lobby «  about the older protection  and the social protection, OK
  • Belgium would like that our association participate to the global social work day, OK To represent Users
    Please write us if you will  participate for this meeting and if you could not come give your proxy